2.10. Safeguarding and Prevent

2.10.1. Prevent

Prevent duty guidance: England and Wales (2023) published on 7 September 2023 under Section 29 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act (CTSA) 2015 came into force on 31 December 2023, replacing the 2015 guidance which came into force in July 2015.

The statutory guidance is intended for use by:

  • Senior leadership teams in any of the specified authorities listed in Part 1 of Schedule 6 of the CTSA 2015.
  • Those with dedicated Prevent and/or safeguarding responsibilities.
  • People in specified authorities with responsibility for how resources and funding are used, and for external partnerships.
  • Those in a frontline role and likely to engage with people who may be susceptible to radicalisation.

Prevent is one of the four strands of CONTEST, the Government's Counter Terrorism Strategy. The Prevent Strategy aims to safeguard and support those susceptible to radicalisation 'to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism'.

The purpose of Prevent is to safeguard susceptible people from becoming terrorists, or supporting terrorism, by engaging with those who are considered to be susceptible to radicalisation. The support includes a multi-agency approach to safeguard individuals from being exploited by extremist’s and terrorists: by supporting susceptible people and, enabling those who have already engaged in extremism and terrorism to disengage and rehabilitate.  'Prevent' work is delivered in strong partnership with our communities. Through a broad range of initiatives Prevent work tackles both the causes and risk factors that can lead an individual to become radicalised and building resilience in communities. 

The 'Prevent Strategy' addresses all forms of terrorism, including extreme right-wing terrorism and Daesh or the Al-Qaida inspired and associated terrorism, and single issue terrorism. Data collated by the Home Office nationally indicates that the number of referrals regarding individuals with a mixed, unstable or unclear ideology increased by 48% in the year ending March 2020. The internet/online space has emerged as a key resource in facilitating the radicalisation process with some direct personal contact.

Knowing the indicators that either an adult or younger person is at risk of, or is being, radicalised could give them a voice and prevent acts of extremist violence taking place.

Anybody can be radicalised and the risk of being drawn into terrorism may be combined with other vulnerabilities, but below are some of the potential vulnerability and risk indicators:

  • Have low self-esteem.
  • Be confused about their faith, sense of belonging, or identity.
  • Be victims of bullying or discrimination and/or feel isolated or lonely.
  • Be experiencing stress or depression.
  • Be going through a transitional period in their life.
  • Be angry at other people, the government or about how they are treated or seen by society or have grievances.

It is very difficult to know at what stage certain views can become dangerous, or whether someone is being exploited, coerced, or manipulated into becoming a part of an extremist group. Signs aren't always obvious but below are some potential indicators:

  • Withdrawal from family and/or friends, or a changing circle of friends.
  • Hostility towards others.
  • Talking as if from a script.
  • Being unwilling to discuss their views or have increased levels of anger.
  • Being secretive, particularly around what they are doing on the internet.
  • Using extremist terms or values to exclude people or incite violence.
  • Supporting violence and terrorism towards other cultures, nationalities, or religions.
  • Writing or creating artwork that promotes extremist values.
  • Talking about being a 'martyr'.
  • Possession of extremist literature or other material or trying to access extremist websites.
  • Possession of any material about weapons, explosives or military training.

2.10.2. Channel

The Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 placed 'Channel' i.e. arrangements to safeguard and support people from being drawn into terrorism as a statutory duty. Having a Channel Panel is a statutory duty placed on local authorities and all partners have a 'Duty to Co-operate' as far as compatible with their legal responsibilities in respect of their functions. Updated statutory Channel Guidance was published in November 2023. 

Channel provides early support for anyone who is susceptible to being drawn into any form of terrorism or supporting terrorist organisations, regardless of age, faith, ethnicity, or background. Individuals can receive support before their vulnerabilities are exploited by those who want them to embrace terrorism, and before they can become involved in criminal terrorist-related activity.

Cases adopted onto Channel have a susceptibility to being drawn into terrorism. Support from Channel is voluntary and confidential i.e., support is provided with the consent of the individual or legal guardian. This support is bespoke based on the needs identified for an individual and varied. Progress is monitored monthly, and the panel may make a decision to end the support when the risks have reduced. Each individual is reviewed at six-and twelve-months following closure to consider progress.

Channel is a multi-agency panel consisting of professionals from partner agencies and those who are in contact with the particular individual.

2.10.3. Making a referral

Anyone can make a Prevent referral if they have concerns about someone. When a referral is made, information is gathered to look at the context surrounding concerning behaviour changes and to conduct a Prevent Assessment Framework. In most cases referrals are signposted to other services, but if there are indicators that the individual may be susceptible to being exploited or drawn into terrorism.

The referral will be considered, the Prevent team will get in touch with the referring professional, and then they may be put forward to the Channel Panel.

As a professional, if you think that someone may be vulnerable to radicalisation you can make a referral using the Prevent National Referral Form.

Once you have completed this form, please email it to the relevant address from the list below:

For initial advice and support please consult with your local area Prevent Lead. Remember the partnership message that acting early counters terrorism. For more information, visit the Action Counters Terrorism website.

If you believe a crime is being committed, or planned, or become aware of any terrorist activity that may indicate immediate threat to life or property you should contact 999 or the Police anti-terrorist hotline on 0800 789 321. Members of the public who raise concerns should be advised to use these contacts.

2.10.4. Resources

You may find the following resources useful.

Last updated: 21 May 2024